Cmdr Aetoate Bace
Registered ship name
vela i
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom AE-02K
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

First System Discovery Log

20 Jul 2022Aetoate Bace
System: SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1

Main Star: SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1 A
Class: M5 VA (Red Dwarf)
Age: 12.922 Billion years
Orbiting Terrestrial Bodies: None

Orbiting Star: SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1 B
Class: L7 V(Brown Dwarf)
Age: 12.922 Billion years
Orbiting Terrestrial Bodies:

Mars-like coloration, high crater density, three noticeably large craters relatively close together with conjoining impact streaks. On foot, the depth and radius of these craters are so vast it very hard to depict even visually. The Length of the impact streaks are the best indicators to how large the impacting bodies were. My best estimate as to the span of the largest protruding impact streak is near if not more than an eighth of the circumference of the planet's surface. To put this to scale, the surface circumference is about 13,421 kilometers.

Limestone-similar coloration, somewhat high crater density. Among the mainly Sulphur-composed surface are somewhat deep canyons with pits of iron that are noticeable from orbit and can be found all throughout the surface. The sulfur-composed areas are extremely flat on the majority of the surface however tall and dense mountainous formations can be seen in between the general flatness. These characteristics lead me to believe that liquid activity took place very recently relative to the planet's formation.

SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1 B3: Atmosphere composed of Argon(5% Nitrogen)
Nearly Identical 2 B2's Description besides being drastically less crater dense and also not only having brown iron canyons but also gray ones that are much larger in comparison. The atmospheric gradient ranges from a redish-orange horizon to a generally green sky. Bronzite Chondrite and Metallic Meteorite nodes found upon investigation.

(Co-Orbit 1)SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1 B4: Atmosphere Fully composed of Argon
Identical to B3's Description. This leads me to believe that there was a large-scale orbital impact involving B3, B4, and B5 relatively early in planetary development throughout the system. Located one Distress Beacon. Found a ship data core upon arrival at the crash site. Collected 2 Occupied escape pods surrounded by multiple canisters of narcotics. My intuition tells me this could be the result of a smuggling run gone sideways.

(Co-Orbit 2)SYNUEFUE CI-Y B6-1 B5:
Not dense in craters. Limestone-like surface composition. Generally flat with some areas of small decline into extremely rocky valley like formations which are yellow in coloration leading me to believe these areas are sulfur dense.

Not dense in craters. Smooth sandstone-like surface and coloration. Black streaks of mountainous terrain that vary in size and are visible from orbit.

Somewhat dense in craters. Similar to B6 except the black areas are less defined and are more light gray in coloration.

General Terrestrial Notes: All bodies are composed mainly of ice. All bodies are suitable for surface traversal
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