Cmdr Aetoate Bace
Registered ship name
vela i
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom AE-02K
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

First Earth-like body System Discovery Log.

29 Jul 2022Aetoate Bace
System: EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894

Main Star: EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894
Class: F0 VB (White Star)
Age: 794 Million Years

Orbiting Terrestrial Bodies:

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 1: (Traversable) (High Metal Content world)
Generally flat sandstone-like surface with green coloration similar to early oxidizing copper mixed in with the overall dirty gray stone. Very few large craters and most of them are hard to notice from orbit if even possible.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 2: (Traversable) (High Metal Content world)
Mars-like surface and coloration and generally flat rocky terrain. Notable Geological features include Geysers as well as volcanic discharge. Similar crater density to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 1.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 3: (Traversable) (High Metal Content world)
High mass, generally rocky and mountainous terrain with some flat areas. Coal-like coloration with some streaks of sandstone noticeable from orbit. Somewhat crater dense with most of them being shallow.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 4: (Traversable) (High Metal Content world)
Desert-like sandstone surface with varying shades of dark and light-brown sandstone. Mostly flat besides high density in craters and many noticeable from orbit. 5 massive crater impacts with streaks. Similar geysers to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 3.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 5: (Atmospheric) (High Metal Content world)
Yellowish brownish consistent coloration. Most details are skewed by the dense atmosphere. Large craters with brown coloration surround the impacts.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 6: (Atmospheric) (High Metal Content world)
Dark blue surface with some brown areas and similar craters to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 5 but with sandstone-like coloration around the impacts.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 7: (Atmospheric) (High Metal Content world)
All traits similar to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 5 Except atmospheric coloration contains less green.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 8: (Atmospheric) (Earth-like world)
Relatively low land mass compared to Earth and most contain large amounts of lakes. Very many hurricane clouds are noticeable from orbit and Polar glacial activity is very lively. Lots of plant life as opposed to sand.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 9: (Atmospheric) (High Metal Content world)
Similar to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 6 besides main coloration being light grey with charcoal colored areas. Same crater coloration and frequency as well.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 10: (Atmospheric) (High Metal Content world)
Identical to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 6 with an atmosphere composed of oxygen and nitrogen making noticeable large nitrogen clouds visible from orbit and strongly influenced by atmospheric winds.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 11: (Atmospheric) (Ringed) (Ice world)
No craters visible, consistent white icy surface with dark almost black streaks in line with the planets poles. Rings mostly thin and very spread out. 5 noticeable ring separations.

EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 12: (Atmospheric) (Ringed) (Ice world)
Similar to EOCH PRUAE YK-0 D6-2894 11 with less frequent and lighter brownish black streaks. Rights are more dense and consistent as well as larger.

General Terrestrial Notes:

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