Cmdr Aetoate Bace
Registered ship name
vela i
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom AE-02K
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Rare Earthlike Conditions Discovery Log

30 Jul 2022Aetoate Bace
System: EOCH PRUAE LX-U E2-3975

Main Star is a young neutron star, only 12 billion years old, co-orbiting a white-yellow star, classed G7 VAB. There is also a tertiary Star orbiting their co-orbit which is a red dwarf, classed M2 VA. The earthlike planet is orbiting the co-orbit white yellow and neutron star and is the third planet from the solar center. All other orbiting bodies are high metal content worlds besides the last from the center which is an Ice world. All orbiting bodies are atmospheric and non-traversable.

Tertiary star's orbiting bodies consist of 2 ringed gas giants with all traversable, non-atmospheric moons, as well as a final orbiting body identified as a ringed atmospheric ice world that is non-traversable.

Notes: The varying conditions of the neutron and white yellow star imposed on the earthlike world could make the threshold for consistent high functioning life very thin but this could also make the possibility of quick and complex evolutionary behaviors and traits much more common.

Side-note: Wish I could be more detailed with all bodies but I have a scheduled ride from a Fleet carrier heading back to the bubble that is disembarking soon.

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