Cmdr Aetoate Bace
Registered ship name
vela i
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom AE-02K
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Travel plan Log

01 Jun 2024Aetoate Bace
After eighteen months of various activities ranging from things such as collegial networking to the monotonous xenobiological field studies around Colonia and its adjacent regions, I have decided to catch a scheduled fleet carrier trip back to the bubble. Although I did not quite reach my goal for achieving sufficient relations within the engineer networks, I made a very satisfactory amount of credits from my contributions to the xenobiology research efforts facilitated by the Vista Genomics Company.

Upon arrival to the bubble, I plan to invest in some of the new technological advancements I haven't been able to get my hands on as of yet thanks to my locational constraints. Due to my minimal outside contact while lost in my lucrative research efforts, I have only just recently learned of the new Python MkII as well as the Type 8 that has yet to hit the markets.

According to the trip itinerary, we will have arrived at our last stop on the eleventh of June being within the Alpha Centauri system.

My current view of an eccentrically ringed water world within the EOL PROU XO-F C25-120 System.
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