Logbook entry

Captains Log (Strabo II) Deep space expedition to Beagle point

02 Mar 2022Adotiln
Day 4
- 2/28/3308 - The expedition continues. Departed base camp at Nyeajeau XU-A B 19-6 A 11 D. [214 jumps remain]
- Forgot to turn orbit lines on after taking photos. Emergency stopped too close to fuel star. Hull and module damage. 99% hull remaining. Used AFM’s to repair modules. Power-plant at 98%. Heatsinks are almost depleted 1 remaining. More caution needed going forward not many more mistakes can be made without serious repercussions.
- Finally under 100 jumps to Colonia Region. Significant progress made today. May even be able to reach Jaques Station tonight. Really need to be more careful jumping without repair limpits. Dropped to fast going planet-side and damaged hull more. 97% hull remanding power plant at 96%.
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