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You wanted to know about lil' old *me*?

Oh look: another man hovering over my table, trying to chat me up. Nice suit. Maybe a little overdressed for a place like this, but hey. Dress for the job you want, right? Guess that means I want to be a laid-back freelancer, and you want to be some corporate prick.

God, you don't give up, do you?

Listen, pal: I don't know you, and you don't know me. Let's just keep it that way. Unless you need some merchandise moved- in which case, I'm your girl.

Oh, you do?

Then sit down. Looks like you've got my attention, after all- as long as the credits are right. And your credits are good, mister, uh-?

Oh, that's an interesting name. Not from around here either, huh?

Me? The name's Kyndi.

Yeah- just Kyndi. Sorry. Nothing personal.  

No, I'm not worried that you're a cop. Cops aren't as a cute as you are. And something tells me you're on the level, anyway. Now buy a girl a drink and let's talk business.

Old Sol, huh? Sure, I've heard of it. I know a guy who loves that swill. Bounty hunter. Boyfriend, you ask? No boyfriends around here. Just you, me, and the job you're about to propose. And before you do, let me tell you my three rules: no slaves, no artifacts, and no questions asked. I'm a private sort of gal. Think you can deal?

Good. So- about this job: what, when, and where?

Twenty tons of onionhead into Utopian space? For twenty-five grand?

Baby, you must not read the news. Job like that'll run you thirty thousand if you want it botched, and forty if you don't. Tell you what: I'll do it for thirty-five, just 'cuz I like those pretty brown eyes of yours. Too bad they're not blue, or I'd have gone even lower.  

And believe me- I don't go low for just anyone.

Oh- a bonus if it's delivered within forty-eight hours? Consider it done, sweetheart.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a ship to prep. It's a long way to Utopia, and corrupting the righteous is pretty damn difficult if you're out of gas. And don't you worry about that o-head, mister. I'll treat it like it was my own. Maybe I'll even deliver it with a little red bow on top.

See you on the other side, and thanks for the drink.
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︎31 Shiny!
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