Logbook entry

Backdoor Girl

You poor little boy. Someone's throwing a party, and you didn't get an invite, did you? And now you're asking little old me to go in and hack the security? Just so that you can show up with your goons and your guns?

How petty. I'm in.

Of course I can override the sys-tech. That's the easy part. The hard part is:

What's it worth to you?

Five thou? Please. For that much, you could just cover yourself in blow and dock knockers and have your own party. But it won't quite score you a decent hacker.

Six? If I was remotely jacking in, sure. But since it's an on-site backdoor job, travel expenses come into play. You understand, right?  

Seven? Now you're talking. Tell you what: make it eight and I'll even transfer control to your personal tablet.

Deal? Deal.

Now, you and your little gang  just sit tight in your treehouse until I give the all-clear. Shouldn't take longer than an hour once I'm landed.

And mind the credits, ok?

Signing out. See you on the other side.

There you go, sweetheart: access codes for the entire station's security matrix. I even threw in the master admin key, just because I'm nice like that.

Now? Now I get the hell off-station. Parties like the kind you're about to crash aren't my scene. Onionhead washes out easier than blood, you know?

What's that? Am I available?

For future jobs, sure. Doesn't matter if you're Sirius Corporation or little ol' me: repeat business makes or breaks you.

Oh. You meant to run with your little posse? As your woman?

I'm flattered, babe. Really I am. But I work alone. Always have. And I'm way too good to start calling anyone "boss".

The offer stays open anyway? That's so sweet of you! I'll throw it in the hopper with the rest.

Have fun at your little shin-dig. I'll be with you in spirit.

Now- how about that eight grand?
Do you like it?
︎22 Shiny!
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