Logbook entry

An Offer I Can't Refuse

Hello, Jim. It's been a long time.

Jesus, he's gotten even fatter.

Me? Oh, I was just in the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop in to say hi.

And greasier.

Of course we're still friends! Don't even know what you're talking about!

No, they didn't go anywhere. Eyes up here, pal.

What do you mean, "after what I pulled?"

Yeah, I decked you in your fat face after you wouldn't listen and reached for my tit anyway. Knocked you right on your ass in front of your friends, too. Not used to hearing "no" much, are you "Big Jim"?

Well, I was certain you'd forgotten all about that! And here I came all this way!

And I'd do it again, so watch it.

Yes, you may pour me a drink. No, this isn't really a social call. I heard you were looking for someone who knows how to get things.

Actually, I didn't hear jack shit. I just know that a greedy bastard like you is always on the lookout for some stupid trinket or another.

How much do I like my Cobra? What the hell kind of question is that? Listen Jimbo, I know you're in the business-  but I'm not one of the poor saps browsing your used-ship lot. What's the matter? Rats wise up and start buying from someone else?

Fine. To answer your question: not as much as others. It's a perfectly good ship, but I'm not attached to it. What's that got to do with anything?

Jesus Christ, Jim. Quit trying to be clever and get to the point.

Wait. No way I heard that right.

You want what? From where?

He's out of his goddamn mind.

Ha ha. Very funny, Jimbo. And I thought we were having a serious conversation.

You're offering how much?

Yep. He's serious.

Okay, okay. Let me process a little. You're offering a cool one-mil for a rusted-out antique that probably doesn't even fly?

Boys and their toys.

Yeah, I get it: it's a one-of-a-kind. But here's the thing: Kraits aren't made anymore for a reason. Let's say I get out there and it's just a big, floating paperweight. What then, Jimbo?

Oh. That's it? Just the primary capacitor fuse? But they don't even ma-

You have one? How the hell did you find a part for a ship that hasn't flown in-

Never mind. I don't want to know. And this is crazy. Forget I mentioned anything. Good luck with the ship dealer busi-

Okay. Fine. One more minute. Sell me.

One point two mil, compensating me for my Cobra, and I pick any ship from your lot? Yeah, of course within reason. I don't know, Jim. I just don't know. Let me think it over, okay?

Goddamnit. I really need the credits. And it's just a quick back-and-forth anyway. Just baby the old bucket of bolts back in and you'll  be fine. You can do this.

Alright, Jimbo. You've got yourself a ship-jacker. And that old rust bucket had better be tip-top, or else-

Oh. That's reassuring: the word of the thief who couldn't steal it for himself. Great.

Alright, I'm out of here. Give me the fuse. Next time you see me, it'll be inside a ship that hasn't flown in a century.

Oh, and Jim?

How about eyes off my ass for a change?

Do you like it?
︎20 Shiny!
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