Logbook entry

Tap Dance

What do you mean, you don't believe me?

Look, even I get boarded sometimes. And you know how ship-board cops are armed- plasma when the budget allows, beams when it doesn't. Things that get hot. Things that cause fires if they're fired into densely-packed puff. Things that a smuggler chick can't psychically fucking know will happen!

Sorry. It's just that I get a little heated when a client accuses me of lying.

The cops? Ejected 'em out the airlock and high-waked. What do you want, a badge number?

Of course I wasn't followed. Who do you think I am?

Oh. Right. You think that I'm the chick who got half the merchandise burned away. Ha ha. That's fucking funny.

But seriously. I saved half of it. So just pay me half and we'll call it even.

What? "Tainted?" How the hell does opium become tainted by opium residue?

You're worried about the smell? Well, excuse me.  

Look: I'm here. You're here. It's here. You're going to resell the shit in smaller packages anyway, so what's the difference? And I understand that it isn't a party in Goeng Gong unless you've got a baggy- so let's deal, okay?

A third of our agreed-upon price per ton? Oh, sweety: at least give me a reach-around if you're going to bend me over like that.

Nope. Don't get any ideas. Eyes up here.

You know what? Fuck it. I think I'll head out, try my luck elsewhere. You clearly have a good backup supply, or else you wouldn't be playing games. Too bad you'll have to tell whoever you're working for that you've sourced exactly zero of the party powder, though. Bet that'll make you look bad.

Not my problem, though. Tah-tah.

Oh. Wait. You do want to deal? How nice.

But really, I don't know if I want to sell to you. Not after the attitude from earlier. Not after seeing how much this entire system wants that rank-smelling puff. I bet a girl with half a ship's hold full of the stuff wouldn't have to look very hard for a buyer, now would she?

Of course she wouldn't. And you don't have another source, do you?

No need to answer. I can see it in your eyes. Might want to loosen that suit collar of yours, too. You're starting to sweat.

And I didn't come all this way to sell at a loss.

I want two-and-a-half times our original price. Don't haggle me down. Don't dick around. Don't try to be clever. Yes or no.  I've got options. You don't.

Oh, come now. Don't be like that. It's a simple question, really: do you want to leave empty-handed, or no?

No? Then the math is simple. The deal was sixty thousand for eight tons. It just became ninety for four. It's economics 101, baby. Supply and demand. You understand, right?

Oh, you do? Splendid. Then show me the credits, and I'll show you the goods.

Mmm. That's what I like to see. Half now, half when I'm unloaded. I'm at docking bay twenty four. You know what to do.

And buddy? Bring some sealed containers. It really is rank in there.
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︎27 Shiny!
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