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Thargoids? Sounds Like a Big ol' Pile of Not-My-Problem!

Looks like the crazy old-timers were right, after all.

It's all over Gal-Net. Giant flower-shaped vessels pulling ships out of hyperspace and then... something. Sometimes violence, sometimes a scan that leaves you drifting without power. Already, the talking heads are treating the event with an almost vomitous solemnity. We'll all remember, they breathlessly claim, where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news that we are not alone.  

I don't follow galactic politics much, but when I heard about that rogue Imperial bitch who led a thousand commanders on a merry little chase through the Bubble... damn, but I'd have loved to buy her a drink. It's not every day that you get to piss off two superpowers for the price of one. And that message that her friends transmitted?


I'd have written it off as some kind of delusional nutjob rambling, except that it wasn't. Not this time. Because shortly after she bought it, they showed up. Whatever they are.

It was in Maia, wasn't it? Yeah. Maia and the space around Maia. I've never been, but a girl hears rumors. Commanders flocking to Obsidian. Feds pissing themselves over something big. And Imps doing what Imps do best- sniffing around the edges and trying to remind people that they're a superpower, too. It's an opportunity, my contacts whisper. An opportunity for someone who knows how to slip in and out where they don't belong...

Yeah. Fuck that.

I don't care how much that Palin guy is paying to have alien trinkets thrown his way. I'm done with that. I've been done with that since...

Goddamnit, Kyndi. Not here. Not anywhere.

All this talk of aliens, and I think of him. The bounty hunter who got mixed up with the Inquisition, and then mixed up with me. We've done a few jobs together, including a really hairy one with a little girl and a slave mine. That was- how long ago now? When Arissa was coronated. Yeah.

First time I'd ever been to Achenar. Last time, too, if I can help it.

Of all the jobs and all the partners, we never seem to quite forget about each other. I didn't plan it that way, and I don't think that he did, either. It just kind of kept happening. And why wouldn't it? A man. A woman. Action, adventure, and romance- we're straight out of a bad holovid.  And now there's talk of war and aliens, and he's the type to find himself right in the middle of whatever shitstorm is about to happen. The do-gooders always are.

But he's a grown man, and I can't waste my time dwelling on him. Humanity has visitors at the door, and we don't know if it's a social call or a home invasion. Either way, there's a mountain of creds to be made for a girl with nothing to lose.

The onionhead joint fades, the glow in front of my face giving way to the inky blackness of space. They're out there. And with the company that I keep, sitting on the sidelines won't be an option.

I've got some decisions to make.

OOC note: Many thanks to Draxxa Kireth for the screenshot of the wrecked Federal fleet! Fly safe, CMDR!
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