Logbook entry

Who Wants to be in an Upcoming Kyndi Logbook?

I've always believed that the best stories have more than one mind behind them, and that's where YOU- the good-looking men and women of the Inara community- come in. I'm looking for roleplay and story-based players to feature in an upcoming logbook of mine.

The character I'd like to feature will be an explorer without many scruples. Not the kind to backstab, exactly- but who isn't above a bit of double-dealing to make a quick credit. Basic info about your CMDR's bio and personality is appreciated. I only ask two things:

- That you provide me with a "real" name. Kyndi won't be interacting with CMDR Badass McDeathypants78, no matter how good a backstory he or she has.

- That you just trust me.

This is all part of a larger project, and while I can't guarantee further collaboration (I'm leaning 90% that the interaction will be a one-and-done thing), adjustments, mind changes, and flat-out improvised ideas have featured in every single Elite arc I've written and collaborated on, so I don't expect myself to suddenly make a plan and stick to it.

If in the event that multiple amazing candidates come forward, I'd be willing to write in that a team of explorers are interacting with Kyndi so that I can work in more mentions.

Naturally, I won't be dropping any spoilers on upcoming projects, but I can say that you'll be having a huge impact on the direction that Kyndi's life takes in the near(ish) future.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

-Matt (Kyndi)
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