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The Momma Bird Gets the Worm, Part Four

Tarm Wallunga. Of course you were one of the ones who came through for me.

Yes, that was an expression. Settle down, big boy.

Well, aren’t you making yourself comfy? Two drinks and an o-head joint of your own? Bad news, Tarmy: you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I’ve been here for awhile, and I’ve dealt with two other birdies already. So let’s hope your worm is worth it, huh?

Oh. A “sloppy thirds” joke. Good news: I’m just drunk enough to chuckle at that. Otherwise this drink would be in your face. Lucky for you it’s a seller’s market at this table. Let’s hope you weren’t too bored, flying around in Pegasi and hoping to get lucky.

You what? You had one of your new guys do it? And in his Sidewinder?

All that work on some flunky’s part- and yet, you’re the one coming back with the info. Interesting. It’s good to be the boss, huh?

Ha. Nice try, sweetheart. I work alone. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m lonely. Nine times out of ten, I can walk out with whatever man I wiggle my ass at. Never needed more than that. I for damn sure don’t need to be some two-bit gangbanger’s arm candy. You understand, right?

Aw… look how much you’re pouting that all you’re getting from me is a nice pile of creds. Cheer up, Tarmy. If you and your boys ever have to sniff around Pegasi for work again, at least you’re acquainted with the place, right? Never been there myself. Kinda like to be the only criminal around on a score, you know?

What’s that? What am I doing with the data? Oh. Well, I’m taking it and opening up a hip new nightclub called Nonyerdamn. Pretty sure that’s Old Earth Flemish or something. You’ll have to look it up.

Oh, that was funny, huh? But here you are, suddenly getting straight to business. Takes all types, I guess.

At last. The data disc. So you do know how to deal.

There we go. Creds for info. Simple. Just like should be.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lot more drinking to do. Alone.

No, I don’t need your help. No, that wasn’t a stumble. I’m fine. Really.

How many years have I been looking for this? The info is in my pocket, and some guy is trying to walk me back to my ship. Of all the shit timing in all the shit bars…

No, you’ve had too much. I’m fine. This is what I do, Tarmy.

How many years… and now I have it. I can’t just sit on this. I have to leave.

You know what? Maybe that guy before you was right. Maybe there is some conspiracy. A conspiracy for some merc wannabe to try to hold me up before I can-

Shut up, Kyndi Jane. Just shut up.

Oh, look. Now the bartender is getting in on it. Cutting me off? You don’t cut me off. I cut you off.

My name? Kyndi. Just Kyndi. That’s all you’re getting. That’s all any of you are getting.

They’re out there…

Get your hands off me! Do you know what I do?

They’re out there, and they’re waiting for you…

Stop. Just back off, Tarm. I can get up on my own. And what the hell are you all looking at? Never seen a chick get thrown out of a bar before?

Just get in your ship and fly out here. You don’t need help. You didn’t become who you are just to need your hand held now.

I said to stop following me! Get away!

That’s it. Go back to your posse, little birdie. I don’t need you. I don’t anyone.

One step at a time. Gods, everything is spinning. I just need to clear my head, to get ready for the voyage ahead. I’ve got this. I just need to set down someplace quiet and think it over.

Ugh. This isn’t what I meant by “set down”. Face down in the middle of the damn corridor, people walking all around you and looking down at the drunk chick crawling on the deck. But you know what? Fuck them. Fuck this. Fuck all these people around me. Fuck your nice, safe, tidy, regulated lives. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.

They loved you so much...

I’m Kyndi Jane McCaskill, and I stay free.

OOC: Thanks very much to Tarm, Mack, and Mal for the use of their characters, and to everyone else who responded! Rest assured that this story isn't over!
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