Logbook entry

The Long Goodbye, Chapter Three


       Kyndi was laying in her old childhood bunk, clutching Randy the Raccoon to her chest. Life
support had come fully online, and neither her nor Matt needed a spacesuit to walk the corridors of the
       All pretense of holding it together had been dropped upon seeing her parents again, and with
tearful reluctance had consented to have Matt prepare their bodies for jettisoning into space. They were
both in an escape pod, with a note of remembrance and love included with them for all time. It seemed
fitting to Kyndi that her parents should spend eternity together, even if it was in death.

       Not needing to ask what Matt needed her for, the young woman sat up, her eyes still puffy.
They’d agreed that jettisoning her parents’ remains would be the last thing they did before they left, but
there was still work to be done. Kyndi had wanted to download the ship’s logs onto a disk and take the
datacore with them for study, and Matt had been unable to access anything beyond basic ship functions.
The young woman brushed a floating strand of stray hair that had gotten loose from her pony tail.

       A brave, sad smile lifted her lips.

      “Is it time?”

      Matt nodded. “Your folks are ready. We just need to get the info.”


      Kyndi allowed herself to be helped to her feet, leaving Randy floating in the space above the
bunk. Together, they walked down the main corridor to the upper bridge level, where a wall terminal was
reporting critical damage to the thrusters. Kyndi ignored it and started typing, her expression settling into
one of focus. From behind her, Matt narrowed his eyes.

      “Hold up a sec- you have to bypass your own ship’s security?”

For the rest of the chapter, click here!!
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