Logbook entry

The Long Goodbye, Chapter Four

     The ramp at the fore end of the Inevitable Betrayal unsealed itself and lowered, gracefully
touching down on the jagged rock upon which it had landed. The ship was inside a crudely-excavated
docking bay, concealed in the side of a mountain. Massive bay doors were already closing, the natural
light from the planet’s dim sun already disappearing.

     Two sets of flight boots appeared at the top of the ramp. Matt’s brown and Kyndi’s black
accompanied each other as they descended to the rocky surface. They had been warned beforehand to exit
their ship unarmed, a rule that hadn’t sat well with either.

     Lehman took a deep breath and looked around, his eyes growing accustomed to the poor lighting
and crude surroundings. Rocky walls were illuminated with harsh industrial lights, with thick power
conduits running along the walls and ceiling.

    “Any port in a storm”, right? How’s that mantra workin’ for you right now?

For the rest of the chapter, click here!
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