Logbook entry

The Long Goodbye, Chapter Five

       “You agreed to what?

       Matt held up his hands. There’d been no telling what Kyndi would think of the job. Now, he knew.

      “It’s just a taxi gig. Pick up the kid, bring her here- done!”
       Kyndi turned, balling up her fist. They were again in the Betrayal’s living area, work having stopped on repairs for the night. It was estimated that the ship would be ready the following morning. It would behoove them to get some sleep.

       “In the middle of a war zone!”

       Lehman shook his head. The woman across from him was trembling with anger. She turned, her eyes blazing and holding up an accusing finger.
       “Matty, you…” She bit her lips and squeezed her eyes shut. “You have got to learn to say ‘no’ once in awhile. Just once. Just to see how it goes.”
       The hunter shook his head. “Well, what the hell was I supposed to say? ‘Yeah, y’all pulled us out of a jam and are fixin’ up my ship, but I’m just not in the helpin’ mood’?”

       The woman scowled, frustration twisting her mouth.

       “Do you know what I saw today? Down there in some cave while you and that old man were having a glass of wine? Do you know what these people are capable of?”

       Lehman held out his hands. “Reckon I do, darlin’. Or did you miss that poor Omega gettin’ eaten by a bunch of kids’ snakes?”

       “And that makes you want to work with them?”

       Matt tapped his temple, pacing back and forth.

       “It makes me want to not fuck them over!”

For the rest of the chapter, click here!!
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