Logbook entry

The Long Goodbye, Chapter Nine

     “It’s funny, you know? To obsess over something for so long…”

     Kyndi Jane McCaskill held the data chip in front of her face. To her sides, the kaleidoscope of witchspace flew by, the clouds and particles reflecting in her facial visor.

     “... and to almost be afraid once you’ve got it.”

     From the pilot’s seat, Matt nodded.

     “And what did you say was on there, again?”

     Kyndi pulled out her dataslate, inserting the disc. Her eyes focused as the loading icon appeared before them.

     “Everything. Ship’s logs, security feed, ports of call- the entire history of everything the ship did. What we did.”

     Her partner chuckled. “Reckon I shouldn’t wait up for you when I hit the sack then, huh?”

     Already the information was scrolling past Kyndi’s eyes. It was raw and unsorted. She looked up.

     “It’ll take me weeks to go through this. Maybe even longer.”

     From where she sat, she could see Lehman shrug.

     “I’ll be sure to feed n’water you. Move you into the sunlight, too.”

     Kyndi smirked, not dignifying Matt’s snark with response but not upset either. She settled into her seat in a decidedly non-Pilot’s Federation-approved slouch, nudging his seat with her toe.

     “Of course, I’ll have plenty of time to go over it on the way to Colonia, right?”

     Matt glanced to his side.

     “Already planning on me doing all the flyin’, huh?”

For the rest of the chapter, click here!
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