Cmdr Flying Scorpion
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Elite I
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Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Greetings Commanders

02 Apr 2021Flying Scorpion
Welp, let's give this thing a try. Commanders log....number 1.

Here I sit in Suya's Rutherford Station. The war has been ongoing for 5 days now. I thought this would end yesterday but it appears that some lone commander (or possibly more) have come to aid the Friends of Superera. *spits* I got about a half dozen mercenaries together today to aid me in battle. The pay isn't great so it's tough to keep them around for long. Plus my ability to keep them motivated is hinged upon my own level of motivation; and I have grown a little weary from maintaining a presence in the high intensity conflict zone. *sigh* I think if the Friends of Superera and their supporters want this system so bad, they can have it. I have a sneaking suspicion that some of my personal enemies may have gotten involved in thwarting my plans here. I think that if the war isn't over tomorrow, I'll pack my bags and find a new base of operations.

You know what's tough? Deciding if this system is worth fighting for. From a numb point of view, it's just an empty space with some rocks floating around in it. But from another view, it's a place for ambition, for solving complex puzzles in the socio-economical landscape of the bubble. I don't know which perspective to subscribe to. Should I care and get myself invested into the conflict? Or should I sit back in my carrier and watch the galaxy inch one step closer towards the "heat death" of the universe? Hell if I know. I guess I'll just do a little of both.
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