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A refresher in deep space

06 Jan 2017DocRock80
It has been a while. After leaving deep space and spending quality time back on the home world I finally decided to make the trip back out to the cold black abyss. The trip was long and waking up from cryo-sleep sucks balls. I arrived in Kamchadals feeling like I just drank 12 bottles of vodka. After a quick check by the transport medical crew, I set off to see if my ships were still in storage. To my surprise, both the MKIII and Adder were still in one piece. It's been so long since I've sat in the cockpit. I realized that I was missing some AI equipment from the main terminal. I should have known after a few years of being away that someone was going to walk off with it. I was upset for a few minutes before I realized that I at least had my ships.

With my new HUD display updated inside my helmet, ((Oculus Rift)), I did a few pre-flight checks to make sure I remembered how to use the flight controls, ((now using Xbox 360 wireless controller)), I felt like I was back at the academy trying to remember how to turn the head lights on and off. Launching and docking came naturally, thank God for the docking module I had installed.
Right away I noticed that the Inquisition was nowhere to be found. All my TIIQ contacts were still sitting in my comms list but it seemed they all went dark. I should have expected that after leaving deep space two years ago. Lucky for me I still had access to my onboard logs. I'm still registered under the INARA archives but I doubt any of the TIIQ Commanders will even remember me.

I asked around the station and got word that some of the pilots went to the Brestla System. I figured that would be the best place to start if I were to reconnect with some of the other Commanders. Before I headed out I decided to sell both my ships and start off fresh. I had enough credits to sell both my ships and obtain a new Asp Scout. Even had a little extra to update the modules to fit my current needs. With the new ship, I headed out to Brestla and found an old contact, CMDR DJTruthsayer. Wasn't able to establish proper comms with him yet but at least I was able to confirm what I had heard back in Kamchadals.
I docked up at Roed Odegaard Port and was pleasantly surprised that the station was actually in TIIQ hands. But that feeling was short-lived once I realized that TIIQ was in the middle of a civil war. Talk about bad timing.

The only thing I can do is try to figure out how to establish my credit balance to a nice comfy figure. They say there's money to be made on the planets. Maybe after I situate myself properly I'll try my luck. Still, don't know with all the fighting going on. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm not publically known as a TIIQ pilot. Probably best if I just lay low for now and see how things play out.
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