Logbook entry

Consistency is key...

14 Jan 2017DocRock80
After my last entry, I have reconnected with TIIQ. Many names I recognize and many I do not. Yet, like the last time I am just another pilot within the ranks. Everyone seems to be on this big hunt for alien ruins. Ram Tah, some archeologist of some sort, basically promoted a hefty prize for pilots of all types to go and do his work for him. Honestly, for 100,000,000 credits, I could see why so many people are acting like an adolescent who just had his first-hand job. Apparently, everyone has three weeks to get as much info they can on these ancient alien ruins. Good old Ram Tah isn't paying up front as usual. The pilots have to wait until the end of the three weeks before they can cash out.

I realized if I was going to have any chance of heading out to unknown space I'd need a better ship that has all the right modules to make sure I can get to the ruins and back. That's when I found an old flyer about a mining opportunity out in HIP 21991 1. There's a major starport out there in the middle of Empire space. Decided to take advantage of the next week making big rocks into little rocks and establish a decent wallet before trying my luck out with the rest of the explorers. They say that mining is a boring occupation. Yet, if there's anything I know about mining is that it's consistent. An easy 1 mil credits after an hour of punching rocks... hell, after a week of that I'll have enough credits to put food on the table for a very long time.
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