Logbook entry

A new adventure with the empire

09 Aug 2015DocRock80
It's been a whole month since I picked up my pilot license from the academy and flew off in my standard issue sidewinder. It's been hard trying to forget my family and friends I left on earth during the big migration to deep space. The fact that they gathered the rest of what they had in the bank just to get my ticket on the last shuttle. Cryogenic sleep was a god send during the trip out. It felt like I shut my eyes for a few seconds before I was suddenly awaken with a maddening headache and the sound of voices echoing in the berthing.

Fast forward two years later and here I am in deep space somewhere in neutral space with other empire pilots fighting for control of Kamchadals space. The other guys laughed at me when I showed up with my stock issue cobra Mk III. Hell, it was a great upgrade from the sidewinder. Yet, they gave me crap due to me not having my own AI and video comms link. I honestly didn't hear about that kind of technology being around. Then again, they never do tell you everything at the academy. Most of the equipment is put together by black market sellers and very rich corporations.

Lucky for me, I was able to cash in on a few bounties on the trek out to Kamchadals. Hopefully the next time I head out I'll have my video comms link established and a new AI to help keep me sane while I continue to fight for the empire.

If only my family on earth could see me now...
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