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New AI's on board

09 Aug 2015DocRock80
Good news today.

I received a transmission from the techs down at the station informing me of my new AI software. I headed down to test out the intercoms and found it to be a bit glitchy but so far so good. Instead of one AI, I was given three. It was a bit confusing at first trying to figure out who ran what on the ship but once I ran it through some diagnostics testing out in HIP 24267, I found it easier to manage my tactical and engineering systems. The best part of it all is one of the AI's controls the satellite systems allowing her to pick up earth radio transmissions. It's been so long since I've heard actual music.

Anyways, just docked up at the Fox dock here in HIP and about to grab myself some food. Will probably rest up for a bit before heading back out and roam the local extraction sites.

I wonder if they serve sushi here...
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︎3 Shiny!
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