Cmdr Jericho Rolkein
Diplomat / Trader
Registered ship name
The Eridani Dawn
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Anaconda AERC07
Overall assets
Albion Interstellar

Logbook entry

Orionis AAR and Analysis

19 Sep 2021Jericho Rolkein
To Chief Senior Officer Hark Pendragon

In regards to the incident in 14 I Orionis, I have initiated and completed a thorough investigation and audit of our activities there. The system is no longer a viable candidate for insertion at this time. There are too many actors at play, and we are operating at a deficit of actionable assets in that region.

We were able to track Franklin Grant to a dredging facility in Orrere. He had found employment as a security contractor with The Code. I made the notifications to our friends in that organization and acquired the proper permissions to handle the matter with their tacit approval.

I dispatched Val Karad with orders to transfer Mr. Grant with as little collateral damage as possible. Karad agreed at the payment of 6,318,000 credits. One guard at the facility was injured in crossfire, though not gravely so. The payment was reduced to an even 6,000,000 credits; the remainder was transferred to the injured party's account. Franklin Grant was transferred successfully and will no longer be a problem. Additional funds were transferred to certain accounts with The Code; Finance will have this information attached in a further dispatch.

It is possible that much of Val Karad's payment went back into The Code's coffers; Karad insisted on stopping over at Sharon Lee Free Market before he left the system. He spent several days touring the famous casinos in the station, as well as more infamous establishments therein.

Subsequent to his departure from Orrere, Karad has taken on a string of contracts in the many so-called brushfire wars in the region around Orrere, Okinura, and Zeta Tucani, and continues semi-regular dispatches to us during his wanderings.

The incident at Orionis was a lesson learned. Thankfully we did not lose any critical assets. Adjustments and corrections have been made to avoid a repeat of these events in the future. I was encouraged by the cohesiveness and efficiency of the responding units, and very pleased by how Agent Crest handled the situation. I would commend him for a promotion, were it in my writ.

I suggest we continue the search for a viable home system. We still have a number of viable targets; I fear our greatest adversary remains inveterate galactic bureaucracy and inconsistent, labyrinthine regulations. Persistence and patience may yet be our most valuable assets.

I advise we continue our course, and cast wide our recruitment efforts. We must gather our strength and our resources for the times to come.

Officer Jericho Rolkein

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