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Support Pro-Thargoid Relations

11 Aug 2022CottontailPlays
Dear Fellow Commanders,

We must stop fighting the Thargoids and start attempting communications with them. We listened to an old man hoping to achieve something by turning on a weapon the Thargoids had already made. Salvation didn't actually make the weapon. All they did was turn it on by converting gaurdian artifacts into a power source the station could use.

If he made it why did we only make one weapon and not multiple? How comes Salvation didn't have a countermeasure in place in case the weapons controls were stolen? How did the weapon backfire in the first place?

Salvation lied and look where it lead him. To his grave. The superpowers believed his lie and look where we are now. Defenseless. The queen took control of surface site which I believe to actually be a space station or capital ship that was meant to be the Thargoids weapon for use in the Thargoid-Gaurdian war, but the gaurdians caught wind of it and destroyed them before they could power them on.

Now is the time for us to attempt to make peace. If we do not act now the thargoids will find a way to power more of these sites... then they will get them into space and begin their attack on the rest of the bubble. We know that some thargoids ask and thank commanders for given them meta-alloys if they are non-hostile to begin with. This means there has to be a way to communicate with them.

Why not give it a go? We already listened to a crazy old man. Why not listen to a crazy commander? What do you have to lose.

Commander CottontailPlays
Pilot for Sol's Salutus Aeternum
Auxiliary Pilot for McCoy's Spaceways
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