Logbook entry

The Expedition Ahead

31 Mar 2022Digitalmind
CMDR's log 31 Mar 3308....

It's time to leave the bubble. Between the war in Tollan and humanities war with the Thargoids's the crew's moral has been at an all time low. Both sides have taken massive losses and while the war against the Tollan Hang Gang is going very well for us, Humanities War with the Thargoids is not and it's looking more and more like SOL will eventually fall. It's definitely not the most opportune time but I made the decision to focus the crew's mind in other areas. Prepping our Carrier for a 6 month to a year Expedition.

I was able to recently get my hands on a old Fortune-Class Carrier, It's formerly the U.S.S Republic which was mothballed in 3283. Boy this thing has seen some light years on it. It took engineering almost a month to get the fusion generators working and several more months for the engines and life support. The type 2C "Tritium" Hyperdrive engines took 6 months by themselves and were the biggest pain in the butt. Apparently the Tritium injectors were grossly out of alignment and were probably the cause for it to be tossed away in a graveyard. Our engineering team was amazed that this carrier didn't destroy it's self mid jump. It never ceases to amaze me how far engineering has come in even the last 10 years.

As I was walking the corridors, seeing the crew enjoying the new challenges, one of the ensigns found me and gave me notice that I had received our paperwork from Fleet Administration..... It read, that we have officially been recommissioned and renamed to The USS Minbari... I like it...
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︎2 Shiny!
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