Logbook entry

Exhaustion is setting in

17 Mar 2021Er1cksson
I can barely keep my eyes open, stims aren't doing jack shit.

Ever since the nav beacon was compromised we've switched from Velvet Glove to Iron Fist. I'd have lost count of the number of flights I've made if it wasn't for my ship's computer. Pirates are flooding into the system, massacring civilians at will. Flying around the beacon has been additionally complicated by the amount of cargo and ship wrecks floating around.

I've been designated Nemesis-1 Actual, leader of Nemesis Wing 1. My wing men are Cloud E Knigh, Driffel and Billy Higgy. I can tell just by looking at them how tired they are. It's like we're back in the days of the civil war.

The ground crew are just as tired. They're having to service every ship on combat missions, and there are so many they've barely refueled, repaired and restocked one before another is demanding the same. I almost pity them, but at least they're not having to put their necks on the line.

Although, if the losses some of the other squadrons are suffering continue, I'm expecting some of the more capable ground crew to be put through rapid training and sent out there. We just can't afford to let the pirates take control of the system!
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