Logbook entry

CMDR’s Log: 21 Feb, 3310

22 Feb 2024Trinitybrook
Another system… another station…

Mindless drones of former men walk the promenades, speaking idle nonsense. They can see whole planets from the station portholes, and yet have no worldliness among them. They sleep in the halls, feet spread out with no bother at all for the drool that spills onto their flight suit. Mercenaries line up for shuttles in droves without recourse for their limited existence… We have the whole galaxy at our controls and yet no drive to explore it. Where is that great light that warms our spirits? Where is that great, deep field that pulls us farther into the unknown? Where is that magnetism, capable of keeping vast nebula from tearing apart, that would keep us from tearing at each other? Where, in this cold, black void is camaraderie… or companionship?.. And still I search...

Another system… another station…

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