Cmdr Resolute3K
Explorer / Diplomat
Registered ship name
Little Giant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Keelback RE-17I
Overall assets
Cosmic Independent Agency
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Finding what boredom is as a reason to log it here, should be boring...o7

27 May 2021Resolute3K
I have been unable to sustain any meaningful exploration of the known systems, after being hit by pirates again, I needed to return to Jameson Memorial for a refreshing pit stop. This soon turned into a short conversation with a young Business Owner fresh from Academy of Management, seemingly a student on a seasonal break, but only here for business, or so she said to me.

"As we get down to it, now that we have introduced ourselves, I want to hire your expert piloting and your trading vessel, as a temporary partner. System data will be sent to you. Observing the irrelevant, quiet, meaningless partial zoning area near the edge of the Dezhra 2A polar flats. My teams are financially vested in the region. The less you know about us, the better we can help each other.", her sincerity came through. As that was a 'good sign' after all of this blandly, sober lounge meet up spontaneously happened at the 'Memorial', "If I offer up the extras as 'refined' Focus Crystals, on top of the 2.3Mil in credits, will you help my friends with a little investment opportunity on the surface of the this lackluster planetoid?", as she lifted her visor, I did the same. We came here for spontaneity and not draining pints.

"I don't have time for a four to five load cargo mission right now. I need to get back to Tawega, ASAP . . "

"We need a brave pilot, not some rough-neck willing to dump at the first site of an Imperial Cutter.", then I had to ponder it once more. A few hours of Cargo runs could help my overall reduction in repair costs on this trip back to Tawega, and so, I was agreed.

"I can make it happen. Mrs..??", once I forget the person's name its usually straight south...not this time...

"Ah...I see how it is...Mrs. Mary's okay CMDR. It happens."

"Give us the locale, details on the contact, info on the nearest bases and the specifics if there are any . . ", I was instigating that I had been with crew onboard, but should I ever act alone? I would expect not.

"What do you mean? Us?", her eyes blink when she is concerned about things undisclosed to her.

"Don't worry. I have a crew willing to take over the mission if I have to go hop into a fighter seat and defend your payloads...", I smiled, no teeth.

"I see. You are 'brave'. Its confirmed then? Tonight, we can meet before your departure at the boarding square.", the final nod Mary Bessetti gave me as she turned and made her exit, she should have given me the data right there . . . I knew it was a game. I would soon know why it was delayed as via an 'external' comms transmission, as it was.

(In the later hours, we met and discussed the terms, and shook hands. Selling my time is worth Credits and raw mats, but this was false pretenses...I didn't ask her 'why?', I was really chosen for other purposes.

I am not brave, if you ask my prior boss, that is. This mission was real, but she knew what I didn't know. The small things. They matter sometimes.

As my Type 9 launched with full cap. I noticed my updated NAV menu sorting out some new surface mapping data checks. Like a bionic eye, I glanced up and down. Telling myself to just ignore it. I had to wonder and that didn't do me any good either.

The slower than usual exit reached proximity for my super-cruise distance in a painful wait period. I was hesitant to be taking missions like this and now I have to wait until tomorrow to finally plot my way back to HQ. Again.

"This is going be a very long, long night."

-Twenty five minutes later . . .

I note that my NAV readings didn't update correctly. I see it display some 'warning' code, then in a flash, it went back to normal. Within seconds I reset the menus, going from one, to one to the other.

"It says I can't land this bird there...WHY is That?"

There was flukes. And there was 'thee' Fluke. This NAV data says this is a Moon, and that it is 'off limits' for landings. I can't even get past 500KM...?

I didn't quite know how to clarify it with the Star-port authorities. I was feeling sleepy already. I quickly made a pot of java.

"What if I do land her down there?", I take a sip of piping 'hot joe'. . . the readiness ends, and the night begins . . .

'I have to. At the very least, I had to try it . . .'

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