Logbook entry

Finding my home

14 Nov 2016HolySpaceOtter
During my trade runs i found a planet that was going to be great to prospect on. As i was going around and looking for rocks i happen to stumble upon a group of ships. This group of ships where taking on an outpost to get some data. I went in and helped them take out a turret they where having a problem with, sealing me in a friendly.

When they where done and the place was secure they helped me get the data to shear the love. They called in there ships and sent me a message asking if i would want to come along with them. We went to a local station to have a drink and talk. Within the station they had a normal spot so i was uneven not knowing them.

After we had a drink and some food on the table we started to talk. At first it was just normal talk and nothing to fancy. Once we got to a down point in the conversation it went from normal to some what personal. After getting past the what i do and what i want for my future. After i told them I am looking for some where in space to call my home, and to help thoughts that helped me when i was young they offered me something i just know i could not pass up.

They sad they where a group called "Rogue Guardian". They talked about how it was a small group, but they all where looking for one thing in common, A home. They sent me an image of there small banner and said to keep in touch and to fly safe.

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