Logbook entry

Exploration of Kyli Flyuae AA-A h4

04 Apr 2021RedPredator
Now I'll tell you a story... a story of a marvelous place that hides a secret. A terrible secret that can enchant any sailor and trap him/her forever! All started with a good wind to look for legendary POIs in a core region of the galaxy during an expedition. All those destinations are unique and wonderful, places to remember. There are anyway voices around them, speaking of reported worlds and systems of even greater rarity gathered in Codex legends. And one of them speaks of biological entities made of lights not too far from our position. That system was Kyli Flyuae AA-A h4. A small detour to bear witness of an other secret pearl of the universe. And we are a scout ship of a long range expedition to discover the unknown in the galaxy after all! So we consulted a known Artificial Intelligence to help us drawing a new direction for our ship. It showed us a peculiar route with many neutron stars and two regions without, one in the middle and one in the end that required regular hyperjumps. Nothing new to our experience really, so new sails were raised. As predicted we shipped fast through neutron stars waves and also a quiet sea of fuel stars midway. Then we reached a peculiar waypoint close to our destination with just 500 ly missing. Our boatswain reported FSD was supercharged, but no stars in front of us! So close but still unexpectedly unreachable.
We dug into the shared story of passed explorations for many long minutes looking for the missing references, the missing clue to this mystery. Then we found it, the original log of the first captain that found our destination. He transcribed records of all the points used to progress. One note got our attention for a sec, but we weren't able to understand fully its meaning at the time, where he was talking of a second neutron star boost for the ship. So with a strong wind to our favor we headed to Kyli Flyuae ZE-A g15, the missing connection to our end.. Now we were at 274 ly from our destination with a BH and two neutron stars at our side. No time to waste then, the ship was ready once more and proceeded fast.. once more. A Wolf-Rayet welcomed us and two Notable Stellar Phenomena quickly appeared on our sensors.
Also a FC was waiting friendly to help us. And it was a long travel, at a late time. And our ship needed repairs and rearm. No refuel was needed or wanted, we could need extra distance later to return back to our company resting few thousands of light years away. So we docked fast and fast we started exploring this unique and solitary system. We were soon pleased of our last minute detour. The Notable Stellar Phenomena had unique colors and also we were able to find a brilliant biological entity made of light. The entire system has unique colors indeed, so we headed to its solitary planet. And again an unique 20 Earth mass, high-g planet with a never seen color met us at destination. What fascinated us the most anyway was the sky, the view of the universe almost breath taking... without any star.
The system was promptly recorded as highest rarity and beauty in our logs. And even if the time was late we wanted to trace a new route back first, because a voice was telling we were too fast advancing in the unknown... and we had ignored that voice for a long time. So the deep secret of this system was quickly revealed. Merciless. No possible route could be traced, not even with the limited fuel reserve we cared to maintain... not even with a premium injection in our FSD. 80ly missing for a safe neutron star. 80ly that wanted to trap our ship in this system... forever.
All personnel called on maximum alert, we needed a way out. We needed a way out because we docked in the system as we arrived. All routing data were reviewed. The AI in first place misleaded us, returning a route between 6 systems that it supposed could exist. But they are not there, never been. The original commander log was talking of a hyperjump that simply can't be done, not anymore. It was a feature of old FSD versions, able to load and store a second boosted jump. New versions can't. Also our current position was cataloged for years in the past as the lowest explorable system in the galaxy. We were never able to escape this system by ourselves.
Through radio comms we tried to contact the FC in the area, hoping to get an answer.. any answer, but nothing. She seemed abandoned at once, destined to orbit this isolated system endlessly. So we needed help to save our lives and our ship and our work for the expedition. The alternative was only to return our consciousness to the origin of our history, close to Sol with a Sidewinder at our disposal. An unbearable sacrifice. Our companions are several thousands of light years far with two FCs, the only ships able to reach this system and leave it. They have just reached the new waypoint after a long journey, and we are close to complete the expedition. Tritium reserve is short, they had to start mining. They can't help us right now.. not for weeks. Then an other consideration come to our minds. We are close to a main hub of galaxy exploration, also in the shipline Sol-SagA*. Still we are at the bottom of the Universe. There is a Data Center for CFs where many Commanders register their movements and availability. Maybe... maybe someone is shipping close to our position... 3300 ly over our plane. A signal asking for rescue was sent over the channel. We couldn't know if someone was in proximity able to reach us. But the journey has been long, and intense, so our ship docked on the close FC once more.
The following morning we received two messages, one giving a contact of a Commander potentially in range, and one from Cmdr Kilted Scot, Search-And-Rescue Contact Point, asking for precise details on our status and situation. A SAR FC was currently deviating her route to Colonia for a previous rescue and her Commander should be able to answer soon. And Cmdr gtbUncleMattMan did, elaborating and validating the routing, confirming the rescue while Contact Point coordinated the rescue and gave instruction to other FCs to maintain their previous routes. An ETA to our system was given of 4h and regularly updated, while Cmdr Kilted Scot's ship equipped for immediate support was already en route to scout the area and reach our position if possible, given the wide jump range involved. Relief arrived. The moment the SAR FC started the last jump to reach us, was more than happily received on our ship. And we moved in the meeting point exactly as the jump ended. A stop of 4h was planned, also allowing their scientific team to explore this unique system. Then for them, an other rescue mission would have started, more than 5000 ly right above our heads.
We docked successfully to our safety. At the planned time AIMED AT THE STARS J1X-35N jumped out the system, allowing us to continue and complete our expedition.
A grateful thinking to all AIMED AT THE STARS J1X-35N crew, and all Commanders that spend great efforts and a long time planning rescues and helping the ones in need all over the galaxy. And to all Explorers that with their ambition and courage overcome risks and difficulties, to document the unknown for our collective knowledge.
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