Logbook entry

Ship Log #1

02 Jun 2021DecodedV1per934
Alright first log, don't really know what to say but at least gotta start with the basics.
My name is Commander Alexander Viper
Callsign DecodedViper
Date and time: 3307 June 2nd 8:57 AM Earth Time
As of where I am right now, well can't exactly say that as I don't really remember. My ship isn't doing too bad right now the hull is at 37%, my shield well it's dead won't come back online that's not the end of the world though, I only have enough fuel for a couple more jumps but I have my carrier jumping to me right now. Probably should've said how I got in this situation, well the squadron I'm part of is stuck in a war, the other faction didn't want to go quietly I guess, haha. Turns out me being in a slightly engineered Krait Mk 2 wasn't enough to handle a couple cutters. We ended up winning todays war but we still got more to come.

Anyways back to why I'm even making a ship log so late in my career, well probably from my father. He never had a ship log or any sort of logbook, so as you can imagine being a thargoid hunter with no logs, well. No one was surprised the day he went missing, it was sad but that's the life he signed up for, being on the edge. However when they found his ship we had no idea what happened and I'm kinda glad we don't. One of his ships engines was entirely gone, as well as another good wing chunk. When we finally brought the ship back and got into it, oh god. There was alot of burn marks and a couple half burned bodies, we never found my father but the cockpit canopy was shattered and broken so he's probably still in space.

I was born in Chona, so as you can imagine I am used to the imperial life and love the imperial ships, especially the cutter. However there is one other ship that I dream of having, the Federal Corvette. However the engineering I have to do is kind of a downside well a major downside, as well as actually getting them to like an imperial enough to let my buy it.

Anyways my carriers portal door, whatever it is. Well its here so this is the end for this log.

End log.
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