Logbook entry

Ship log #2

05 Jun 2021DecodedV1per934
Ship Diagnostics Ready
Prismatic shield generator: Operational
Hull Strength: 100%
Frame Shift Drive: Activated
Over All Ship Diagnostics: 100%
Date: 3307 June 4th 4:29 Earth time

Alright, so I'm on my way to a raw material trader in Ibisanyan. Engineering my power plant right now and got it to grade 3 before I ran out of selenium, man always after that selenium. After I get the selenium I have to go back so I can finish the engineering it.
I almost lost my cutter well, I did. Was docking at Jets Hole when I came in a little too fast and since I had no shield I went down to 10% hull, and I thought "oh well Ill just dock carefully than". Nope my docking computer had other plans and sent me into the station. Nothing like your AI yelling at you to eject just when you were gonna dock. I also lost all my Kamitri Cigars, so had to go get some more. Moral of the story, don't use the docking computer on large ships.

Oh and we won the war, well I didn't really do anything as my ship was being repaired for pretty much all of it. But as soon as I get my power plant done I'm gonna jump right back in. Also sent my carrier to Col 285 sector cc-k a38-2 to get some LTDs. Hoping to turn them around for a profit.
I'm just coming out of hyperspace and lemme tell you, there's coming out of a jump to see that big beautiful star, there's nothing like it. Really nothing eventful today, didn't even find any pre engineered weapons in and stations. Although they were probably already taken if there were.
hopefully tomorrow something fun to report actually happens but for now goodbye.
End log
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