Logbook entry

Ship log #4

07 Jun 2021DecodedV1per934
Today I set out on my first longish range combat mission. I had to kill some up and coming political figure in a not so nearby system for quick amount of cash. Anything to keep me busy nowadays. Apparently they knew who I was as they were practically begging me to take on the mission when I asked them about it. That or no one had been crazy enough to do it. Well about 10 jumps later over 100 lightyears out I find the target. Low and behold its not one ship he's in but rather a small fleet of 5 cutters and a few smaller ships..

"Fuck, M.A.R.S prepare systems to take one hell of a beating"
"Roger that commander, 3 pips to systems and 3 to weapons"

So me thinking that with my prismatic shields I would have a little bit more of a chance led me to engage them. I also devised a little plan to not get blown into space dust.
1. Ignore pretty much everyone else but the target.
2. Depending on the type of ship stick to it like glue until he's dead.
3. Get the hell out.

I though it was a pretty good plan.

I was wrong.
About 2 minutes later I'm limping out of the system on 11% hull and my shield recharging thankfully, but it would still take another 10 minutes to come back online. At least I killed the target, but next time I should read the fine print.
All of this for a few million credits. Damn politicians.

Currently on my carrier jumping back to claim the money and repair my ship. I really need to stick to bounty hunting and not being a mercenary.

End Log.
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