Logbook entry

Ship log #7 We're Free

01 Jul 2021DecodedV1per934
Well its been a while since my last log. You might think that it's because I went on some amazing journey, and well...
It wasn't

It started on my carrier New Mombasa in Savan. Me and Ariel were getting my anaconda ready to go to one of the crystal forests over 1500 LY away.
We launched from the carrier and made a good 10 jumps to the first neutron when while jumping to the neutron we got hyperdicted.
Why, well. We don't know.
We think it was more of a malfunction as we don't recall seeing a thargoid and no thargoids should be there anyways.

We drop out and once we are done spinning and the systems come online we try to find out where we are.
The good news, we were ate the neutron bad news. Our thrusters were shot.

Easy fix. We reboot and repair and all's good until we jump with the neutron boost.

"Um, Alex the I'm getting an alert about the FSD."
"What does it say?"
"Well, that's the thing. It's not in words."

I started to panic but we were already jumping so we just had to see what would happen.
When we dropped out we weren't at the right system, in fact we weren't at a star.

We were at some weird blue and green gas giant.
We didn't think much of it until we realized we were still going 23.54 C towards it.

We drop out and start falling towards the gas and well we got lost in it.
For over a week
We were stuck in that damn storm, and dust.
Our altitude sensor was malfunctioning so we couldn't trust it and had to just hope we were going in the right direction.

Well, we made it to the forest and are currently spending the "night" on a random carrier here to get to work tomorrow.
Just glad we are finally free.

End Log.
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︎2 Shiny!
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