Cmdr Chudwhump McGortnord
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Anaconda Button
Overall assets
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Finally off to Colonia.

Much like the too hard cuddle from your strange uncle, I have a complicated relationship with exploration.
While I thoroughly enjoy the trip, seeing new sights and scribbling my name across the galaxy like a youth doing uh-ohs desperate for even the no-noiest of attention, it often gets quite samey, once you've seen one spacey blobby bit you've seen them all, right?
Well, yes and no, one blobby bit might be slightly lumpier than another or have a more vibrant set of colours or have a lovely set of nice big rings but the variety often gets quite repetitive once the more common elements have been seen. The individual minutiae are often lost in the sea of samey rocky bodies but its the subtle differences or truly unique random elements that make 'the fun' out of exploration.

Now, all that being said and despite the rather uninviting barriers for entry and skulldragging grind associated with exploration, there are a few rites of passage almost every commander should undertake during their time with the game. One of these is, without a doubt Colonia, benefiting from being the spawn points of the last three tinker monkeys for your pixel spaceships more niche components and being 'TF' out there, Colonia is an excellent stopover for almost anywhere 'up' from the bubble which is doubly important as several other explorers milestones such as SagA and Beagle Point are either a hop and skip away or on the other side so it's certainly worth pulling in, even if just to use the thunderbox.

To finish off on a high note full of eaten colours and tasty views, it is well worth noting that there are many things to see that can very easily fall into the 'nice' bucket and more still that might just be considered 'pretty cool', you just have to go and have a squiz.
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