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Taking a long way to Colonia

23 Mar 2021Hal Naren
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I've already left Bubble yesterday, after helping on damaged stations and finalizing work on my ship, to make her jump, umm, 64-ish ly, I suppose? Name's Silver Kestrel, she is an AspX. Someone says they are meta, some say they are boring. I absolutely love my ship, cos it was my first of those, who made me real money. Well, I can talk all day about AspX, Lakon and one particular dude, who loves Keelbacks to some mad extent, but let's focus, Hal...
So, where am I... not far from bubble, headed to one nebula, I chose, to be honest, randomly. I dont expect that one system to be non-discovered, but man still needs some target right, lads? AUCOPP CJ-Y B3 1-O that is where am I now, at the time this holo-note is recorded. To be honest, I missed exploration vibes as I stayed in Bubble for a month or so after 19K LY journey to Outer Orion Spur. Well, for now I'm feeling okay, ship's is in good condition, Lave Radio on speakers, scanners ready. Gonna try to find nice planet to land for a nap. Stay safe, be nice and good luck to everyone.
End of holo-note.
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