Logbook entry

Well, I knew it would be like this

01 Apr 2021Hal Naren
Start holo-note. Well, black hole was already discovered. However, I have found kind of space cactuses, which, apparently, really liked my shield and took a bite of some. I'm heading for DSSA Carrier to do some repairs and meet a human face, but after that I would continue my long trip to Colonia. Beer ended 2 jumps ago, maybe this is why I need some civilization. There is another black hole on my list, but also expect it being already discovered. At least I already found an ELW and bunch of water worlds. You know, people really give all the credit for ELWs and water worlds, but hear me out, high metal contents comprise a big chunk of your paycheck, Commander, respect them as well. Have i ever mentioned my cat, that travels with me? She likes chasing spacecockroaches on my old-junk-ASPx and half of my hold is filled with cat food, so less beer for me, but I value this company, yes, Toss? *distant meow*
This is it for now.
Stay safe, be nice and good luck to everyone.
End of holo-note.
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