Logbook entry

Trip continues

08 Apr 2021Hal Naren
Start holo-note.

I haven't logged in a while, but, to be honest, there is nothing to say to you all. Ship flies, FSD drives, SRV rides. Landed twice, i think, to gather some mats, although I don't really need them. At least I made some nice photos to my collection. Hull at 88, Power plant (God, I just can't write "pp" without dumb smile) is at 95, everything else is repaired by AFMU. Always take this module with you. It will prolong your journey a lot.

If that carrier has mining tools, I will stay for a while to pay back for my stay there. Another interesting (not) issue I had these days: I was landing and made a freakingly sharp turn, almost vomited on cockpit, sweet mother of g-forces, that was tough. Go smooth, people, go smooth.

Checking GalNet recently I heard about Federation starting to spy on people, good that I left Bubble for a while. I'm still a Fed citizen and not gonna run away to Alliance, or, Sagittarius forbid, Empire. However, I'm not very fond of their decisions recently.

Well, still going into the void and hoping for high reward in the end.
Stay safe, be nice and good luck to everyone.

Hal Naren out

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