Logbook entry

Finally, some good freaking hole

12 May 2021Hal Naren
Today I managed to find a non-discovered black hole. Not even one, but three systems.

I discovered a cluster of them and went on checking each one. I was genuinely surprised they are not discovered, but freaking Wolf-Rayet Stars I expected no-one cared about were already found. All 5 that I bookmarked.

Anyway, those will be a nice touch in my collection of discoveries during my trip to Colonia. I deliberately took a very long road there, and has been out in the black for about two Earth months now. Why am I even going there? I guess it is my exploring anxiety speaking. At least I'm not concerned about possible conflict in Bubble. I'm just making few steps into the void, while, of course, making money. And finding something interesting, like my first space pumpkins or several beacons. I don't know when I'm gonna end up in Colonia. Maybe this week, maybe next one. My trip took so long because I use economical routes to visit as much systems as possible. It ain't much, but it is an honest work.

My cat is doing good, I still have some beer for the rest of the journey and my precious Kestrel flies as it just went out of the docks.

Stay safe, be nice and good luck to everyone.
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