Logbook entry


15 Sep 2021Hal Naren
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Long time no see, yeah? Latest entry 12 May. Jeez, I have been through some shit since. Not gonna talk about everything, but here is couple of my adventures. *Speaker grabs a pack of cigarettes, takes one and lights it up* *warning sound*
"Attention! Smoking on this ship is prohibited! Atte...*
Enter security code *Speaker puts his finger on one of the screens*
"Code accepted"
That`s better. Where was I? Oh, some deets on where I've been... Since that last log I found a shitload of black holes. Some ELWs. Reached Colonia and stayed there for a while. Then hopped back on the carrier to Bubble but guess what? We were stranded 500 Ly from Colonia because Pilots Federation halted all movements of FCs in WHOLE FREAKING GALAXY. Made it home by myself. At least I did not pay for that taxi. Owner gathered us and said he would refund 95% of the fee, leaving 5 for 500Ly we already jumped. Well, I accepted that offer and went on to Buble. While doing my usual Bubble business I became interested in one project called the Azura Initiative. Long story short, I have made it there, it is situated near Great Annihilator and started my own run in their enterprise. You want cores? We can mine them for you. You want laser-mined goods? Yup, right here, pal. You want to trade your goods and have some of ours? Come trade if you have a coin. Or maybe you only want to make a stop and need 5k of sweet Trit? Hey-ho, Tanker, where are you we got you customer. *Speaker throws cigarette butt into trash bin*
If you listening this note, then take a look at ATHAIP WR-H D11-8524. Or contact The Director himself - Jbshadow#6223.
Actually, mining went not very good last night for me. Wasted too many limpets and found only two cores. A bit frustrating, but it can be like that. Never mined in T9 before and I need to make it clear, lads, I DID NOT think that it would be that versatile. Yeah, it is still a flying house, but my expectations were much lower. Now I'm just chilling in ring before my next try with cores.
Stay safe, be nice and good luck to everyone.

Hal Naren,
Azura Initiative Council

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