Logbook entry


24 Sep 2021Hal Naren
Day 7 in the ring is kinda the worst of those I had here, even though mining went good enough. It is tedious as hell, because I went for Osmium. And I was in ring that is not the best for this mineral mining, however, I had an okay run. It is another thing that drives me crazy. I haven't found any cores for a week plus lack of communication and here you are, you can taste the space madness yourself. Yes, I explored before, but you at least feel accomplishment when discover something interesting and now I am sitting in ring exhausted of shooting prospectors at everything. Maybe I feel like this because T9 I am piloting can take so many limpets, that I will feel exhausted before my supply of limpets is exhausted. I dont know. At least I mastered piloting T9 through rocks. Intersting, if I switch back to Krait mk2, will it change the process for me? *speaker takes his glove of and scratches his head*

Music helps. A can of beer too. But no more than that cause you don't wanna blow up after such tedious work, right, mates? Wing mining could be nice, but a lot of people I know here, in Azura, they go mining at different time. And I don't mind being alone, no, it is that for me, at this specific point in time - this run does not feel rewarding. I have 75 tonnes of Osmium and 15 of Void Opals in my hold. This is for 400 prospectors/collectors I used. Too much, I suppose. Maybe I really do need to switch back to Krait to take shorter runs, so they feel more rewarding?

------Recording paused for 3 minutes------

After a cup of coffee I can see my path a bit clearer. I think, after this run I will switch to my Krait. It feels like mining ship to me.

I wonder, what is happening on Kadenyuk Hub? Do Imperials still really own it? I has not been there for a long time. And I don't think I will come back for now. Imps don't like Feds and I am basically a Fed. Now Feds don't like other Feds. I think I will stay here. Away from all that mess we are in. Well, gotta go mining. At least someone waits for me to come home at carrier. Gonna chip off a small void opal for her.

Stay safe, be kind and good luck out there
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