Logbook entry

Begun my journey have I

12 Nov 2024Digital_kitsune
So, I have decided to make a goal of owning a Fleet Carrier for Deep Space Expeditions. The goal will be to go meander around the Galaxy to find new hidden gems. Be they clusters of systems with high scan values, pristine rings for resource mining, or just cool locations to photograph.

The codename of the project is "Migrant Fleet" and will officially be to search for rumored "Railgun Relay's" that someone once mentioned, though they are likely fictional. (and even if they were not, it's unlikely we would be able to just use them.)

(Yes, this entire project is to go to the same general locations as mass effect relays to see if we can't find any locations that fit the games descriptions, if only to make an unofficial travel guide.)

To fund the project, I will be preforming a speculative journey to the approximate region I feel Rannoch should be in. This is both to find out if the region has been significantly explored, and to identify Tritium resources in the region. (And then to search for potential sources for the journey out, on my way back.)

The goal is to make an "on-paper" profit of 20,000,000,000 creds for initial outfitting and the first year of operation. (In reality it should only cost half of that, but I would rather come back to the bubble and find it was closer to the on-paper amount than I thought than having a shortfall.)

Long-term I hope to have a small carrier group that can split services across a group of carriers, allowing for something of a roaming bubble for long term operations. (And the ability to split services across the fleet for more storage across the fleet. Also, I'm voting that all the carriers should have "Culture style" names. )

I hope that I will be a way out by the time I head out to Idaho IRL. I wish to play this game with my brother and some friends, and this would be an interesting way to do it.

Also, playing on steam deck is so much better than I had expected. I really like it.

NOTE TO SELF: During my off-time, look up who I want to sell the data to since I'm going to have a lot of it and it would be nice to get a bunch of unlocks (Permits, Engineers, Etc.) when I get back to the bubble.

It should be noted that the initial FC journey will take an estimated 71 jumps to reach the destination. This does not include inefficiencies for Tritium refueling from mining. So yeah, probably a month or two just to get out to where "Project Rannoch" will take place. And then probably a year out there Spiraling up to search for interesting star systems before returning to the bubble for general resupply and gathering any new carriers for our group.

Thinking about it, I should probably look into someplace closer for the initial journey. I should also look for a better map of the ME universe to see if I can't find places to cross reference the grid against.
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