Logbook entry

Commander's Log. Date 16/3/3307. A new begining.

16 Mar 2021Unfamiliar
Awoke in a star system after many years of inactivity. Could not even remember of how I got here. Wundt Hub, on Brani System. From what I see I must have done some jobs around here in the past but my memory is weak. Got my grip about the situation, and quickly went over my pilot training. Lonely galaxy, it cant be. It should not be.
So I went over frequencies to find like minded commanders. Somewhere out there should be someone.  
A squadron was found, with a home system, not many jumps away from the system I had found my self on.
A new objective : Get there. Destination : 241-G-Aquarii. And start a new beginning.
First jump successful. No special incident. Refuel and let's see what is in for business.  

An ancient poet once wrote,
"As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.".

This journey starts anew here for me. Let the road be long...
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︎1 Shiny!
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