Logbook entry

17/3/3307 - Stress, Anxiety, and Conspiracy

17 / 3 / 3307

This is the personal log of Commander Claudette De La Croix, captain and owner of the Arrow.

The purpose of this log is to combat loneliness in space when long-distance communications are either not working or not sufficient. Plus, it helps to have a diary.

Earlier this week, terrorists from the New Marlinist Liberation Front attacked and devastated multiple stations throughout the Bubble, including ones in high-security systems such as Sol and Lave.

And Achenar. Despite Lavigny's Legion and the ISS, the NMLA managed to blow up a station in Achenar. Even during the war against the Federation I can't think of a time something like this has happened.

It stresses me considerably. My wife Delana was on that station just a day before it was attacked. What would I have done if I had lost her? Why am I still just a few jumps away from home?

They asked only search-and-rescue pilots to enter the system to not interfere with the Navy and military. I feel helpless, drifting through space in my ship when I should be home, holding her in my arms, cooking her breakfast as the tide comes in.

She tells me everyone is OK but I'm not.
I am sick with worry and my mind is fraying from the anxiety and lingering questions. No hostile force has ever made such a brazen and massive attack in the history of mankind, not for a thousand years or more.

The NMLA has to have had help. The Raxxla scholar in me thinks she knows who, but how does a puppet fight the puppet master? As I write, an intelligence agency forms against the NMLA. Patriotic fervor swells against a common enemy.
Who benefits from the new war?

I will be home in a few days. I will bring treats from Shinrarta for the nephew-in-law.
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