Logbook entry

17/3/3307 Addendum - Big Changes.

17/3/3307 Addendum

I broke the blockade and raced through Achenar to the Capitol to see my wife. I wasn't going to let anything stop me.
I had a few beers in Inara, had a lot of heady thoughts about how much I love her and just zipped. The ISS didn't stop me.
I arrived at the villa and embraced my family. My wife kissed me, we all caught up and went over the week.
The expedition i was planning has been postponed until I gain more money and backing. To do this, I've decided to take a recommendation from my brother and seek membership in Lavigny's Legion.

There was an opening. They saw something they wanted in me and I took it. I went to Carthage and was sworn in the same day.
I'm not a combat pilot but I'll learn as necessary. My goals remain the same- explore the unknown, find Raxxla or that which has never been seen. I don't care if my goals are impossible. I flew hundreds of light years today, hugged the woman I love and joined the service of an Emperor.

All these things would have been seen as impossible to people of old ages. Matters of science, of society, of class.
Impossible is the definition of something that hasn't happened yet and I will make them happen.

First step is getting my old Anaconda back. The rest will roll into place.
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