Logbook entry

Logbook 20/3/3307

Commander De La Croix's personal log of March 20th.

I traveled 2000 light years away from home today. The trip was uneventful apart from a goof with the gas tank requiring the help of the Fuel Rats. I have discovered a LOT of planets in my hotspot. At least 30 moons, a few gas giants. I also discovered extra-atmospheric life on my own in the form of a handful of free floating barnacles. I have been putting things through their paces and I'm eager to return to Carthage and return this data to my colleagues.

Delana's brother's contract has been officially bought out - by me - today from Petrinov in the Senate. With no use for a worker, I'm absolving his debt that I bought despite his probable issue with that. Jacques is a stubborn man. "I need to work it off on my own!" despite working as a live-in butler for that asshole Petrinov. He's above reproach and I have to fucking pay him to give me the privilege of allowing my brother-in-law to work "honorably' for me. Fucking smug twit.

I spent some time in Inara. The bar's good but it's swarmed with Federation pilots who see my Imperial marks and then give me the sidelong eye like catty schoolgirls. Predominantly men, predominantly flight jacket wearing hotshots who have weekend warrior vibes.
No one talking, everyone sulking into beers, typical of every bar I've ever been in.

I'm tired. I did laundry in the ship and have warm sheets that are calling my name. One hot shower, a movie projected on the ceiling and a warmed muffin and fruit juice and I'm set for the night. I think I'm gonna watch Rhea Blues. That Rosalyn Tieg is a fox.
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︎3 Shiny!
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