Logbook entry

9/9/3307 - New Love?

So, some updates.

I'm still spinning my wheels with my trading career and I've decided to buy a house on Foursyth in Rhea to start over.

With my former ranks in the Federation, it was awkward. I'm officially here as a "expatriate" from the Empire and the Federal Security service has been surveying my incoming and outgoing message traffic.

I am no longer a Baron, until such time is that I move back to Achernar. I've been making a modest living in Rhea moving folks from planetside to the stations in the system and that's all I really need between hauling jobs. I have gone through a lot of heartache this year.

But that may be at an end. Last week at a terminal in Ito, I met a woman. For a moment, I didn't know where I'd seen her before, but when it hit me, it hit me like a hammer. The woman was Rosalyn Tieg, actress of the stage and screen, who was in the system working on a sequel to "Rhea Blues" of 3305.

Rhea Blues. The story of a bounty hunter caught up in the wiles of a femme fatale who pulls him along against a dangerous cartel on Foursyth. I'm gonna be honest, I kinda freaked out a lot on the inside. I told her I was an explorer in between expeditions and she offered to buy me a drink.

We talked for about three hours in an observation lounge about our careers.

We had a few drinks and I offered her my contact info. I went home and checked to see if I hadn't fallen or hit my head or something, and I guess I called her last Thursday and asked her if she wanted to go on a date.

She said she was on Mars dealing with some career business but she'd meet me on Ito again on Sunday, and that's what's what we did. We had dinner, went dancing, and I'm still unsure this is really happening to me. I woke up this morning, shaved my head, and flew out to Ahzgaradah or something, a small company system on the fringes for work.

I'm scared of screwing love up again.

I don't even know if this is real life.

I've been in so much pain for so long.

But they say the sun always rises.
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︎3 Shiny!
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