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Opening Entry

09 Apr 2021Netsteel
Captain's log - Entry #1
Star date 3307.04.09

It's been about a month now since I received my pilot's license. I had waited a long time for it. I never thought I'd get the chance to fly through the galaxy on my own terms, in my own ship, but it finally happened. After getting my bearings in the new-pilot zone, I quickly set out to make my own way. In truth I left it accidentally, only realizing what I'd done once my access permit was revoked. "Oh, well..." I thought. It was time.

But I still had so much to learn. I discovered that one of the greatest resources in the galaxy was the information shared by other pilots. We only have each other out here, so it's amazing to see the effort and coordination in working together. I found countless training resources on how to fly better, how to trade better, mine better, fight better. It just goes on and on.

So I devoured all the information I could find. I quickly moved up from my Sidewinder (dubbed "Hot Pocket" by my son), bouncing briefly into a Hauler (unnamed) just long enough to acquire my Cobra III (aptly named "Into the Black"). I now had the tools to get to work.

Outfitted for trading, I started watching the local markets. I discovered that I could see price information for surrounding systems, but only if I'd visited them before. That meant I had to get out there more. I started jumping from star to star, scanning, docking, looking for more systems and more ports to visit. Soon enough, I had a nice network of systems near each other that I could bounce between to trade the goods they needed.

I was quickly outgrowing my Cobra. I needed more space. After a bit of research and deliberation, I decided to move up to the Asp Explorer (named "Carried Away", as a bit of double-entendre). It was the cockpit that sealed the deal. You just can't beat that view! But I decided to keep the Cobra. It might make a good starter for combat, who knows. And wow, what an upgrade. I can haul 4x more if properly outfitted, or 2x with a nice collection of utilities kitted out.

To get her properly broken in, I decided to bite the bullet and take the trip out to Hutton Orbital in the Alpha Centauri system. I had heard it was quite a trek, and the jokes at the local stations. So I knew what I was getting into. But it had to be done. I don't think I'll be taking the trip again any time soon, but I'm glad I went. And I got my mug!

And then I learned about engineering. Longer jump distances? Yes, please! So I began the process. In short order and a bit of leg work I got my AspX up to G5, and boy was it worth it. I'm now getting roughly 45L jumps. The bubble seems so much smaller now, I began to think about longer excursions out into the black. nothing too far yet, just enough to stretch my space legs.

I continued the engineering grind, upgrading the Cobra to G4 to play with it a bit. But the next big upgrade was thrusters. I took the AspX up to G3, which was the best Felicity Farseer could offer. Whatever, I'll take it. then The Cobra got them, too. The maneuverability is insane!

Somewhere during this time came the CG Broadcast requiring aid and medical supplies. So I kitted out the AspX for as much as I could haul and began scouring the surrounding systems for whatever I could find. It quickly became apparent that I was not alone in this endeavor, as they became harder and harder to locate without jumping some serious distance. But jump I did, as it must be done. It felt good to work with the other pilots toward a noble goal.

Once the goal was over, It was back to business as usual. A bit of trade, a bit of exploration. From another pilot's broadcast I learned of "Leonard Nimoy Station" orbiting the planet Vulcan. Well, as a fan of the old historical documents, I just had to go. Docking there felt like going home. So I made it my home. I transferred my ships and began using it as my base of operations.

And then the next CB Broadcast came. War. A budding republic trying to break the chains of their Imperial oppressors. Now, I'm not usually one to fight, but I felt the cause was too great. Trade had been good, so I outfitted a Viper III (named "Punch Drunk") the best I could and set out to Mudhrid. I fought the best I could, but I was severely out-gunned. I lost probably 10 ships in battle. I'll definitely need to invest in some combat engineering before attempting that again. Sadly the Neo-Marlinists were defeated. But just because I was on the losing side, doesn't mean I was on the wrong side...

During a recent trading session, I started reading through the codex to pass the time. I was curious about the Guardians, as I had heard some pilots had adapted some of their tech to their ships. I just had to know more. So after the latest CG wrapped, I documented the system from the codex and set out. This was the farthest from the bubble I'd been yet. I was feeling very exposed.

This was incredible. A long-dead ancient alien civilization. I was fascinated. Thankfully, since other pilots had made the visit before me, and documented their research, I was able to use what they had shared to quickly get a handle on the site. But there wasn't much there. I've heard there are other sites with more information. I must seek them out.

I've begun scanning the system map for clues to other locations and thought I located something out near the Coalsack, so I headed that way. Farther and farther away from the bubble. It turns out there's an inhabited system just outside, so I figured it was a good place to stop for a drink. The system looks like a good candidate for some cartographic data, so I start scanning. What do I find? Thargoid outcroppings! What!? so I swoop down for a closer look. These outcroppings are definitely alien. But damn, they have some great resources so I gather up what I can.

Just as I'm thinking about heading back out to the next system, I see an item on my HUD: "Crashed SRV". OK, then, let's go look. It's just one planet over. After the short planet-hop, I begin my descent. As I get closer and closer, things begin to take shape. "That doesn't look like an SRV". What I'm seeing, I know now, was a Thargoid ship collecting from on of their outcroppings! I realize I'm coming in WAY too fast, so I quickly change course and jet clear before I attract it's attention. Luckily, it was not bothered by my presence. But man, did I have my cheeks clenched tight.

And that brings us up to the present. I am still looking for Guardian sites. I'm still hopping around a short distance outside the bubble. But I love what I'm finding and love what I'm seeing. The galaxy is beautiful.

I intend to add new log entries as notable things happen, which should hopefully keep them shorter.
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