Logbook entry

Guardian Search Continues

11 Apr 2021Netsteel
Captains log - Entry #3
Star date 3307.04.11

I awaken to find it is still dark outside. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to my sleep cycle not matching the planet cycle. And the few whiskeys before bed didn’t help when trying to get my feet under me. But I shake it off as best I can and begin. Yesterday’s search was very productive, but there was so much left to do.

On my third Guardian planet in as many days, I am determined to make this work. I begin by ascending above the site for a birds-eye view. This site is definitely smaller. I should hopefully mane short work of it. I draw up a quick map and set down at one end of the complex. I set out in my SRV, tracing my way around the edges. I document any useful finds. A few more artifacts scattered around. I already have a nice collection in the cargo hold, so I leave them alone. A few tower relics activate as I approach. I scan them and move on.

And then I begin to find the pylons. Just like before. I mark them on my map and keep looking. About halfway around, I’m set on by more sentinels. This time they came at me in packs of three. I quickly zip back into the range of my ship’s PDCs and fire up the SRV cannon. It doesn’t take long to dispatch them. The process repeats a few more times as I traverse the site. I find the now familiar altar at the opposite end of the complex, two pylons out front like old soldiers standing guard.

With my map in hand, I plan my activation route. I trigger them in succession, ending with the two beside the altar. The altar activates, and I’m attacked again by sentinels. After I deal with them, I return to my ship.

I collect the ancient key I received at the beacon. This HAS to work. I pull up the X and deposit the key. It must have liked it, as the altar opens up to release a glowing orb into the sky. It spins and flashes in quite the light show. When it finishes I scan it to see what it contains. I have successfully decoded an ancient blueprint fragment. But it’s not what I was hoping for. This blueprint is for some sort of fighter ship. I suppose it may be useful later, but for now my search continues.

There’s a port a few systems away that seems like a good place to restock, so set course and head out. As I make my way, I see a broadcast from one of my squadron brothers. He had found another guardian site, and noted that this one had module blueprints. Perfect!

Well this is a new development. As I drop int the next system, supercruise assist does not kill my throttle. I continue at high speed, narrowly missing a nosedive into the star. That was close! Once I catch my breath (and check my shorts), I check the systems. Supercruise module is active and at 100%. I turn it off and back on, just in case. I scoop some fuel and jump to the next star. The same damn thing happens! At least this time I’m paying attention.

I dock just long enough to repair, refuel and restock. I perform what pilots refer to as a ‘relog’, which seems to reset the supercruise glitch. Let’s hope it stays for a while.

I set course for the beacon again, hoping the key it provides will act as a sort of skeleton key at any site. If not I’ll have to hunt down another. But we’ll see. Once I have the key, I set course to the next site. 160 light years away. I’m starting to feel more comfortable out here away from the bubble. The distances don’t seem as big now.

I point my nose in the right direction, and jump...

I arrive at the target system. My nav computer begins ringing like a slot machine. There are over a dozen fleet carriers positioned in the system. I must be in the right place. I run a scan and locate the planet. As I approach, I run a surface scan.

Well that’s interesting. There are 3 sites of ruins and an ancient structure on the surface. As much as I’d like to learn more of the research, right now we have a mission. So I target the ancient structure and head down.

Several ships show up on my HUD as I make my way down. I guess I wasn’t the only one with this idea today. There’s an Anaconda and an AspX parked outside the site. Hopefully they’ll be friendly.

The closer I get, I can see weapons fire. The sentinels are out and they’re angry. I quickly set down and head out in the SRV. I target a few sentinels and make short work of them. Working together definitely makes it easier. One of the other pilots has triggered all the pylons, so it looks like I may get to skip the leg work and jump straight to the prize.

Or so I thought. A connection error in my telepresence triggers a disconnect between the SRV and my ship. Great...

Now I’m stranded on this planet with no way to recall my ship. My only option is to self destruct the SRV to kill the connection and drop me back in my ship. I hold my breath and press the button.

I awaken back in my ship. The only things lost were my pride and an SRV. It’s a good thing I brought two...

By now the site has reset, so I now need to descend and begin the whole process over again.
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︎0 Shiny!
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