Logbook entry

Commander Merango

31 Mar 2017Merango
Name: Merango
Gender: Male
Age: 30 odd Earth years
Date of Birth: 04/11/****
Place of birth: ********

Father: ******  ****** (Retired)
Mother: ******  ****** (Retired)
Siblings: 1 x Identical twin brother
Marital status: Single
Children: 1 unknown

Skin Colour: Olive
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 89 kg
Build: Athletic
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Green
Facial Hair: None
Scars: None
Tattoos: None

Luxurious silks bordering on flamboyant

Well spoken
Fluent in several languages

Faction: Independent

Imperial Navy Rank: Duke
Federal Navy Rank: Vice Admiral

Organisation: Independent

Position: Recruit

Merango could be described as eccentric with a flair for the theatrical.  Light of foot, especially in close quarters.  He has a passion for very flamboyant attire that are handmade, from fine expensive silks, by a very select tailor.  Never shies away from a fight specially to protect himself, friends, family, lovers and brothers-in-arms.  Blessed not only with an eidetic memory but also a much higher than average IQ.  His athletic physique is easily maintained as he regularly practices forms of hand-to-hand combat that are based on the ancient oriental styles that originated on the planet Earth in the Sol system.  He is also a very passionate and accomplished Poker player.

Merango’s ancestry can be traced back through millennia.   Coming from regal stock he chooses to keep many aspects of his personal life a tightly held secret.  Both his parents are alive and well and live their lives, well off the beaten track, in luxury they were both born into.  Both parents are revered citizens who served their respective societies with distinction.  Both are noted for their forthright views, their passion to enhance society and their work ethics are legendary.  No small feat for Merango and his brother to follow in their footsteps.  

The most notable feature about Merango is his physical appearance which is remarkably unlike anything of that of his parents.  His outward appearance would be described as that of an oriental descended from the Asian continent of planet Earth in the Sol system.  This is only truth in part as after many examinations and tests throughout his boyhood depicted, his appearance is due to a dormant genetic manifestation that comes to the fore every 4-6 generations, which is a trait from his maternal side of his family. This is then exacerbated by the size of his paternal family, thus, all in all making Merango and his brother stand out in most crowds, especially back in their own society for the ignorant or uninitiated.

As the boys grew into adolescents, it was very clear that they would not remain boys for very long as their bodies grew and developed at a much faster rate than the average boy.  Merango and his brother, at the tender age of 14, both somehow managed to persuade their father, who subsequently was tasked with persuading their mother, to allow them to join the Imperial Navy Academy as Cadets.  In order to pull this off, their father needed to call-in many favors and to also provide financial rewards to certain ‘officials’.

To the Academy they went and blazed a trail that reverberated through the region for years.  Following graduation, the 2 brothers went their separate ways to continue their quest for glory and adventure, this was by means of following very different ideologies that had spawned during their time at the Academy.  Before parting ways, they made a solemn vow that if either one was in any serious trouble that the other would not rest until they were side by side again facing whatever peril lay before them, as one.  They have an uncanny knack of sensing each other's plight.

For the most part, Merango kept as low a profile as he could until he discovered The Tailor and Poker.  

The Tailor was both myth and legend in certain corners of the galaxy in that, he could make exquisite clothing from the most delicate of threads, and he could also fashion key components of certain ships hardware that gave the ship an immediate boost in specific key areas. The Tailor subsequently passed on his unique gifts to a certain Engineer and that Engineer has never looked back since, as he plies his trade from a very secret location not shared with many, and his clientele reward him handsomely.  

Merango quickly became a regular customer of The Tailor which was quite evident in the way he dressed and by the ships he flew, both exorbitant for such a young man.  As for Poker, a game which is yet another throwback in his life from an age gone by, it has provided Merango with the wealth and means to acquire a certain taste for unusual attire and to buy certain ships far sooner than he could only have dreamed and to have them tweaked beyond compare which has enhanced his ability to become a very formidable pilot.

As for his adopted Galactic name, Merango IV, this is a story within itself and a story that will only be shared in exceptional circumstances, or by his enemies that think they know better.

It should also be noted that Poker has made many a man very envious of Merango and so it was into deep space he set his course and there he stayed……..until now.
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