Logbook entry

Engineers or Shysters

16 Jul 2021SirPuma
Personal log Galactic date 07.16.3307

Boy, talk about a bunch of stuck up snobs. These engineers act as if they are Gods gift to pilots. They demand weird payments (like what the heck are they doing with a million creds worth of Fed combat bonds), then they won't even give you what you want without having them tinker around for a week first. On top of that they don't even have the materials they need for the work and the pilot has to run around all over the place scavenging for them. How about you just charge for your service and then use the money to buy the materials you need for the work. That's how the rest of the galaxy does it. And don't even get me started on the drunks and drug addicts. I mean, do I really want someone who chugs a case of Lavian Brandy to work on my ship?

And they talk a big ship load of crap about how awesome they are and how balls the ship will be when they're done. But when you get out into the black or into a combat zone, you hear strange noises from your power distributor and the lasers stop working. Not to mention some of them give themselves highfalutin names. Like this stolen valor twat. Calls herself "Colonel" while her uniform clearly shows Sergeants stripes. I swear, if I could get my hands on the tools and a shop, I'd do the work myself.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma
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